
Best wishes

Devil is waiting for me
I hope that he know how to be a good friend
He knows that God and me aren´t friends
because some time ago
people that intended that we started our relationship
dressed him with an illogical jacket
and I can´t trust anyone who wears so expensive clothes
I know that Devil is waiting for me
and I only hope that he know how to be a good friend
This letter is for a true God
A witch made me promise it

(Thanks to Eva for her translations help)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

hola!!! q me encanta todo lo q he leido y espero q sigas subiendo mas cositas igual de chulas, los hecho un monton de menos a ti eva y martin espero q algun dia nos juntemos a tomarnos algo, bueno un besaso simpatico q estes muy bien...
me gusta mucho ste blog